Saturday, September 11, 2010

Basic Rights Mural

Here is the mural we painted this year with help from approximately 250 children, teenagers, and adults in Colima.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

hello everyone :]

So I am new to this blogging thing, but here goes! Hope you all are well and have enjoyed the break. I'm not sure if this is the correct way to direct you all to my blog, but here's the address:

Project proposal is up, check it out if you like.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

my first post

Buenas dias, miembros de Colima proyecto! I hope things are going well for all of you and I am looking forward to working with all of you in Colima.-Mateo Proshka

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello friends,
So I returned to San Salvador from Santa Rosa de Lima this morning. It was such an amazing time. Hot, so hot (one of the delegates got heat-stroke and had to go back to San Salvador)
And now . . . an FMLN government for El Salvador. It´s hard to believe, and my sense is that people are still processing things, the possibilities. Again I have very little face-to-computer time, but a thorough description of yesterday´s events is forthcoming.
Here is one of the many things people in Santa Rosa de Lima told me yesterday:

Luis, 52 yrs, Electrician: For twenty years we have been sold into poverty. Our electricity was sold, our health, our public services. Our families have moved away and many many of our children have completely fallen into trouble because there have been no jobs and no self-respect, no self-determination. Now maybe we have the chance to take our lives back. A million people have been working twenty years, under threat of death, for this.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hello friends in the 09 Colima Project,
I have been here in San Salvador since Sunday as part of a delegation observing the presidential elections. Tomorrow I go to La Union, to the minicipality of Santa Rosa de Lima, where I will be for two days, observing how the process goes at the voting tables there, and also to be close to the Honduras border in case something happens there that needs to be witness (which would be people bused across the border in order to vote with fake voter identification cards). There has been too much happening here to get into in the 5 minutes I have to write this post. But as soon as I have a few hours, which might not be until after the election--things here are crazy, crazy busy.
Oh! gotta go
more later